'He is dirty and
he has a sour smell.
There is deeper shadow in his eyes
like ashes,
like death...
He needs a hair comb and a shave
and a menting needle to his long clothes.
One day-
The cop will shoot him
Put him under their boot
They will find a picture
of his family
from his inner pocket
A wife.Two children
and that makes him a
His body will be surrounded
by Armed men,
some with the pen,
and some for fun...
Its not because
he was wild
or a crazy man..
But because-
A few hours ago he was a animal,
who would bite anything
he can catch up onto.
and thats why we called him a
He will be
rock and
dust and
wind soon.
He will be a
curved stone-
holding tight to the dry land.
But as long as memories live
no matter how big a hole they dig for him
no one can never forget th SCOWL on
his face
when he left our place
to rest in peace.
*This is what my 10 year old brother told me
when i asked him
'who is a terrorist? '